Hangar Gallery is the commercial gallery of Hangar, the art center dedicated to contemporary photography in Brussels.

Hangar Gallery was born out of the desire to provide long-term support and to represent artists whose photographic work is firmly rooted in our times. Across all generations and from a wide range of backgrounds, the gallery’s artists dare to shake up the codes of photography, from the conceptual to the documentary, reappropriating the medium and transforming it. They address the major challenges of our time, including the ecological emergency and creating in the age of artificial intelligence - by means of singular visual identities, inviting us through their work to question our relationship with the world.

The mission of Hangar Gallery is to support its artists in their quest for contemporary, plural and forward-looking photography, by offering human and material support for their creation, and to promote their work to a public of amateurs and collectors, by organising exhibitions, taking part in fairs and collaborating on various projects.

Hangar Gallery  place du Châtelain 18 - 1050 Brussels

Opening hours : Wednesday to Saturday - 12 to 6 pm and by appointment.
Contact : Paul de La Marandais 
+ 32(0)2 538 00 85